120 lb Air Operated Portable Grease Unit


American Forge and Foundry air operated portable grease unit for use with 16-gallon (120 lbs.) containers. 70-100 PSI operating pressure. Pumps up to 1.76 lbs. per minute. 82 dB noise level. 13' delivery hose. 15.10" drum cover. 14-1/2" follower plate. Control valve.

  • For use with 16-gallon (120 lbs) containers
  • 50:1 pump
  • 70-100 PSI operating pressure
  • Pumps up to 1.76 lbs. per minute
  • 82 dB noise level
  • Technical Specifications

ApplicationShop, Factory, Maintenance Department
Drum Cover (in.)15.1
Fits16 Gallon (120 lb) Container
Follower plate (in.)14.5
Noise Level82dBA
Operating Pressure (PSI)70-100 PSI